notes from a fast

*This is from a series of writings I did a few years ago now. I want to keep them here as evidence of my journey over time. Some threads have continued on and others have dropped away.

I spent the last few days fasting from outside energies.

No technology, no media, no human contact.

I wanted time to just be with myself, to see what was left when the ‘other’ was gone…

It was beautiful.
Deep, slow, spacious.

I reconnected to my body-oriented schedule - eating, sleeping and moving as felt right.

There were many hours were I did nothing.

But I took myself wholly into everything.
In every moment of stillness or activity, I was there.

It just seemed so simple.
Stay in presence.
Be with what is.
Allow each moment to arise into the next.

Yet I hadn’t considered what my re-entry into the world would be like.

I watched today as my nervous system responded and reacted to the energies around it.
In only a few hours back online I’d been activated by all sorts of things.

Then I realised the gift.

To know myself away from the world is lovely, but to know myself IN and of the world is profound.

My edge, my expansion is not in solitude but in relationship.
In the living breathing co-creation between myself and an’other’.

I now want to see what happens when the Me is gone and the Us is left.

Allowing each moment to arise into the next, together.




Sloths & Slowness