discover a new way of being

Explore a step by step process that helps you to find and release the unconscious blocks that are limiting you from your current goal or intended experience.

How does it work?

In these sessions, we begin by identifying the fears and blocks that are unconsciously running your life. We then use a simple and precise process to remove the blockages and create space for something new to grow.

It is a gentle and effective method that gets to the root of the issue and brings awareness to what’s been holding you back. You are then able to let go of painful narratives and unconscious limitations so you can consciously create the experience that you want. 

We’ll take time at the end of the session to anchor this new way of being into your body so you can feel and know it on a deep, cellular level. You’ll also leave the session with a tailor made practice that helps to rewrite your neural networks and supports you to integrate the new experience into you  life.

Return to your authenticity.
Connect to the potential & possibility of who you are.
Find your inner wellspring & live from your deepest light.


This method is called the Janssen Transformational Process (JTP). It has been used for many years to help people rewrite their fear-based narratives and support them to step into new ways of being in their lives. It can be applied to many issues or situations and is particularly useful when:

  • You are stuck in looping or repeating patterns

  • You feel held back by fear or limiting beliefs

  • You can’t seem to move forward or move on

  • You’re not manifesting what you say you want

  • You know something is in the way of you creating the relationships, career and life that you desire.


Typically one session is enough to address the issue or block you came to the session to resolve however, sometimes a follow up session or the use of other tools and processes can support integration of the new way into your life.

1 hour session - $120
1.5 hour session - $150

You can email me to schedule a 15 minute consult if you have any questions or if you’d to discuss how this will best support you.


Change is inevitable, but transformation is by conscious choice Heather Ash Amara