WHAT IS A body-based APPROACH?
With this approach we recognise that your body is a meeting place for all other aspects of your being. Your emotions, thoughts, energy and essence are all made manifest through your physicality. Our focus is therefore on how you are experiencing yourself as an in-the-body soul.
The term ‘body’ is really a bit limited here. While it does refer to your physical body, it is also about your body as it is felt from the inside. This Body includes the inner landscape of sensations, feelings, beliefs and perceptions that are there when you turn inward.
We always create a safe and gentle space for you Body to express, heal and release so that a deeper connection to your Self and Soul is possible.
HOW DO I KNOW Which offering is RIGHT FOR ME?
It doesn’t matter where you are on your journey there is something here that can help you take the next step in your life. If you’re not sure what offering you’d like to explore you can book an initial appointment and we’ll explore the best pathway for you. You’re also welcome to reach out if you’d like to have a 15 min chat to discuss what might suit you best.
Focusing Sessions: a gentle process that helps you connect to your body and move forward in fresh and innovative ways.
Inner listening Sessions: a multi-modality approach that helps you to know yourself more deeply so you can build an authentic and aligned life.
Transformational Sessions: a step by step method that helps you to release hidden blocks so you can consciously create the experience you want to have.
Safe & Sound Protocol: a polyvagal intervention that helps your nervous system to regulate and relax, bringing more presence, connection and wellbeing into your body and life.
Euphorbia helioscopia, Karl Blossfeldt
All of the practices and techniques in this work can be carried into online sessions. In fact, it can be very beautiful to have your session at home where you can set up your space intentionally and anchor the discoveries into your daily life. Online sessions can also be recorded for you to watch back at anytime.
Things happen and sometimes you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. I just ask for 24 hours notice so there is adequate time to fill the space.
Any changes made with less than 24 hours notice will result in a cancellation fee of 50% of the original amount.
A fee of 100% of the original amount will apply to those who do not show up for their appointment or those who are significantly late (more than 15 minutes) to begin their session.